Black Cultural Centre for Nova Scotia

Facility Rental Request Form

Please complete the form below, with the details of your rental needs. We will respond within 2-3 business days regarding your request and the assocated fees.

Our general facility rental rates are as follows:

$ 100.00 for the first two hours (All rentals are a minimum of 2 hours)

$ 40.00 for each additional hour

Special rates for full day, multi-day and long term rentals.

Additional charges may apply for additional services, such as sound system, LCD projector, etc.

Our facilities offer a large auditorium area (up to 225 people), and three meeting rooms that have capacities of 30, 20 and 15 people.

* Required fields

Facility Use Type *
Meeting Workshop Special Event Concert / Performance Other
Number of people
Please provide one or two proposed dates/times you would like to book the facility.
Proposed Date #1
Proposed Start and End Time #1
Proposed Date #2
Proposed Start and End Time #2
Name *
Email Address *
Please retype the email for verification:
Technical Requirements (please check all that apply)
PA System Projector or LCD Screen Piano Reception / Food Area Internet Access Teleconference Phone Computer
Additional Information
Please type any additional information here
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